Navigating a New Way Of Life During a Pandemic


Home sweet Home!  Or is it?  Being quarantined this past week due to the Corona Virus sort of felt, nope never mind, 100% FELT, like a prison sentence.  I’m sure many of you are also on this struggle bus trying to balance all your other life responsibilities, while being cooped up with the kiddos during this weird scary time.  Not going to lie, It has definitely take a toll on my physical and mental well being. 

Like many of you, I’m used to going about my day not having to think twice, feel threatened or forced to stay home.  My day usually starts out every morning with a 4:30AM  me time workout, which is much needed to take on my hectic day of endless jobs.  When the GYM closed, this momma knew things were about to get REAL...and FAST. 

Brace for Impact:

On top of being stuck in the home with no GYM time, no outside interactions, this “prison sentence” added teacher to my million other job titles I carry.  This alone was stressful...WHY?  Let’s just say homeschooling and me don’t go together very well.  To be completely honest with you, I am not, I repeat, I AM NOT a very patient person when it comes to teaching my kids actual school type work.  You should be here during those difficult Homework days...typically not very fun!   

For me it’s partly because I don’t feel like I am capable/worthy to take on such an important role in my kids life.  I have always been a huge teacher advocate.  Teachers are a Godsend and deserve so much Teachers are God sent and deserve so much more then what they get paid.  They are our kiddos future and they are the ones that lay the ever so important foundation that not many are cable of doing.  With that said, knowing that I had to step up, be even more responsible for my kids future left me feeling even more locked up in a 4 x 4 jail cell.  The last time I felt this way was right after having my 1st born.  I suffered immensely from postpartum depression. The sudden onset of huge responsibilities had me feeling so alone and overwhelmed. This current situation feels exactly like that to me.  This can seem like a very lonely scary feeling, but know I see you, I feel your pain...


So what can we do to overcome this stressful current event?

We have to find our peace with the situation.  The past couple of days I filled pages in my journal, meditated, and kept my essential oils close.    YES, I still feel anxious, scared and worried, that hasn’t gone away, but when I was able to put this so called “Prison sentence “ into perspective, I was able to find the light, turn this not so comfortable situation into something much more positive. I got you...

Finding Your Peace:

Ask yourself “Will you do the time or will the time do you?” 

I hope you answered “I will do the time.”  What I mean by this is GO OUT (well don’t go out, stay home) maybe a better term is GET OUT and use this little snap shot of life to LIVE your life how you really want to.  There is no better time than NOW to do all the things you wished you had time to do.  Reality is: we aren’t going anywhere for awhile.  YOU NOW HAVE THE TIME, USE IT!

Here are some ideas for you to do the time:

Spend more time with your Kids:

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Arts & Crafts-Give your kids all the thangs to get their creative juices flowing. Being locked up can start to really pull at your mental game. This will keep your kids busy while you get work done, plus you might even get a few things to frame for the home. I love kid artwork.

School Work-This one is a must now since we are in charge of our kids education until further notice. Like stated this is probably the most stressful thing at the moment for me.

Movies-Disney has released movies early on ON DEMAND. We have had Spies in Disguise on repeat here. I have tried to get my boys to watch Frozen 2 with me. So far it hasn’t happened.

Board Games-These are fun when you can’t think of anything else to do. My boys are more about creating their own games than playing board games.

Make TIkTok Videos (My kids love doing this)-This has been our go-to when we need a good laugh. There has been a lot of tears and frustration so to turn our frowns into smiles we make funny videos. Trust me this works. Click HERE to see one of our TikTok videos.

Workout-Keep your kids moving. Exercising is so important for me so I make a huge effort to have it apart of my kiddos day. I have them jump roping, doing mountain climbers, push-ups, planks, running in place. We even had our very own basketball pick up game in the Kitchen.

Snuggle-Just give your kiddos all the extra love. I think we need it more than them during this tough time.

Bake-If you have been following me for awhile, you will know I am a horrible baker. So baking for us has just been pure entertainment. NO cookies thus far have actually been eaten, wait the boxed ones have.

Play outside if you are able-It’s been cold and rainy here. So we have only had a few days to get ourselves out of the house. If you have some good weather, get out and get some fresh air.

Create fun challenges-I challenged my kids to 100 jump ropes since they are doing a fundraiser for Jump Rope for Heart.  My kids love a good challenge.

Spend more time getting to know yourself:

Find your WHY-I worked on this most of last week and I had a personal breakthrough.  I can’t wait to share this in a future blog post.


Take a Enneagram Test-What is this exactly? It’s a personality test based on the Enneagram personality theory, which is described in 9 different types of personality. Each type is driven by thier own set of core emotions, fears and beliefs. Find our your personality-I have personally learned so much more about myself once I understood my strengths and weaknesses of my personality. FYI: I am a 3! I will share more of this in a future blog post as well. Want to know your personality number? Take the test here!

Read-What better time to pick up that book that you have been meaning to read. Go get it and brush off that dust.

Take a Enneagram Test-What is this exactly? It’s a personality test based on the Enneagram personality theory, which is described in 9 different types of personality. Each type is driven by thier own set of core emotions, fears and beliefs. Find our your personality-I have personally learned so much more about myself once I understood my strengths and weaknesses of my personality. FYI: I am a 3! I will share more of this in a future blog post as well. Want to know your personality number? Take the test here!

Read-What better time to pick up that book that you have been meaning to read. Go get it and brush off that dust.

Take a Enneagram Test-What is this exactly? It’s a personality test based on the Enneagram personality theory, which is described in 9 different types of personality. Each type is driven by thier own set of core emotions, fears and beliefs. Find our your personality-I have personally learned so much more about myself once I understood my strengths and weaknesses of my personality. FYI: I am a 3! I will share more of this in a future blog post as well. Want to know your personality number? Take the test here!

Read-What better time to pick up that book that you have been meaning to read. Go get it and brush off that dust.

Journal-This is huge for me. Journaling and writing blogs has kept me sane being locked in doors. My advice just start writing what comes to mind. Get it on paper, read it back to yourself. Doing this will help you learn more about you, goals, wants, and why. It has worked for me thus far.

Netflix-I am really wanting to binge watch CHEER.

Nap-This might be a long shot, but hey what else do you have to do.

Spend more time with your significant other:

Date night at home-Does folding the laundry together count as a date night at home? I vote YES.

Discuss your feelings-So much is going on right now. Talk to each other, comfort each other. Getting through this is a team effort.

Laugh Together-I love laughing. My husband is just as funny as me. We sometimes laugh for no darn reason at all and that is the absolute best medicine.

Catch up on life-My husband works a lot. With him being home more we have been able to catch up on life together. Not completely sure how much longer I can take him being home, but I will embrace it and catch up on our fun journey called life.

The Light at the end of the Tunnel

If we slowly embrace this new way of living it will eventually become second nature.  We are all being put into this uncomfortable situation, but we will all grow a little stronger and learn a little more about what we actually are capable of.  We are stronger than we think, than we even know.  We will get through this just like we got through those other seasons we didn’t think we could long ago.    Breathe in...breathe out....YOU GOT THIS...WE GOT THIS...

In This Together

I have teamed up with other bloggers to share more helpful tips to kick the stress and be less anxious during this pandemic.

Cory Hudson, one of my Instagram besties @hudsonfarmhouse, shares some insight of what is working when dealing with stress and anxiety while stuck at home.

Want to help others too, make sure to share in comments what you are doing to cope during this trying time. We could all use more ideas. At the end of the day we are all in this together.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @farmulosity.

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